We Are People of Action

Rotary and Education

Striving to promote peace throughout the workd through education

Rotary strives to promote peace through education. Since 1947, The Rotary Foundation has awarded more than US$1.1 billion in humanitarian and educational grants and is the world's largest privately-funded source of international scholarships. Grants are administered by local Rotary clubs.

Rotary's Educational Programs

Global Grant Scholarships

Approximately 1,000 scholarships are awarded annually to university students around the world to study in another country from three months to two years. These students serve as ambassadors of goodwill. Since 1947, The Rotary Foundation has sponsored more than 39,000 scholars from over 115 countries.

Youth Exchange

Some 8,000 teenage students from around the world study in another country and learn about its history, language and culture each year. They too, serve as goodwill ambassadors and promote world understanding and peace.

Rotary World Peace Fellowships

This program trains future diplomats and international leaders in the art of peace building and conflict resolution. Up to 110 Rotary World Peace Fellows are selected annually to study at one of eight universities for International Studies in peace and conflict resolution. Fellows are offered an opportunity to gain a Master's degree in peace studies, conflict resolution, international relations or a professional development certificate in peace and conflict studies. Since 2002, 339 fellows from over 75 countries have participated at a cost of more than $23 million. Universities include:

'Rotary and Education' is a Rotary International Publication